
I moved to London with my family in the 90’s and I haven’t stopped cooking ever since. Cooking is both my job and my passion. I am a food writer and, as a chef, I run workshops on Italian cuisine.

In 2000, I created Mani in pasta and for seven years I enjoyed teaching people cooking in a practical environment, combined with a brush up on Italian language, transforming food into a convivial experience that brings people and cultures together.

In 2007 I co-founded the The Libaliano Kitchen workshop with Claude Chahine Shehadi (www.libaliano.com). Teaching Lebanese and Italian cuisines gave us the chance of discovering similarities and differences between them. We share many ingredients, but we prepare them in different ways. This idea inspired our books on Lentils, Chickpeas and Beans.

Now that Claude has moved to Boston, I revived Mani in pasta, documenting my cooking experience.

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